Make Money on eBay - About the eBay Shipping Center

The eBay marketplace is continually growing. Every day more and more buyers and sellers are become a part of the community. eBay offers sellers help and support with almost every piece of their business. Make money on eBay by capitalizing on some of the tools and support that are made available to sellers. Just one piece of the seller support offered by eBay comes from the eBay shipping center.

The eBay shipping center exists to provide support for sellers. That support focuses on getting sold items to buyers in an economical, efficient and timely manner. By taking advantage of some of the tools, features and support that is available through the eBay shipping center.

Support includes a long list of items.

Print Shipping Labels

Save time by printing label with the help of the eBay shipping center. Print USPS labels and postage. You can also print UPS labels with the help of the eBay shipping center. You simply pay through PayPal.

 Compute Shipping Costs

Use eBay Shipping Calculator to provide shipping information for your buyers. In fact, the Shipping Calculator can even be included in your listings to make it even easier for buyers to know exactly what shipping will cost. All you do is provide the size and weight information as well as the desired carrier, and eBay Shipping Calculator will do the rest.

Order Shipping Boxes

One of the biggest challenges facing sellers are the costs associated with purchasing shipping boxes. How does obtaining shipping boxes for free sound to you? Co-branded shipping boxes can be ordered through the eBay shipping center. What a great cost-cutting opportunity for eBay sellers!

And more....

Make money on eBay by making use of eBay's shipping support. Check it out for yourself at the eBay Shipping Center.

To Your eBay Success!




eBay Shipping

Posted on September 17, 2018
