Benefits of Printing Shipping Labels on a Digital Press

A shipping label is one that is attached to a shipping container. The label is a very important aspect of the logistical distribution chain of any shipment. In fact, shipping labels are considered to be a point of contact for those who would be handling the consignment during the loading, transportation, unloading, and receiving process.
Importance of Product Packaging and the Use of Shipping Labels

If you are planning to step into the retail business, this article might be of some help to you. If you are low in capital, you have the option of starting an online store instead of a brick and mortar store. Here we are going to discuss one of the major parts of an online store - packaging the products and having a shipping label. Shipping is one sector which seals the trust that the customer is having on your service. You have to give a professional approach on how the package looks when it reaches the hands of the customer.
Different Types of Shipping Labels

Shipping labels go a long way in ensuring the safety of your packages. They are those little labels that are placed on packages that are mailed, couriered or sent by air. Depending on the kind of package you are shipping, there are different kinds of labels, each conveying a unique message. Typically, such a label would have information such as the recipient's name and address and the contents of the package
Priority Mail of USPS

If you want to save money on delivering your package, the best way is to send it through priority mail offered by the United States Postal Service. Your package will only take a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of three days to be sent. The USPS priority mails rates are significantly lower compared to others.
Priority Mail Open and Distribute For Drop-Shipping

Are you familiar with USPS Priority Mail Open and Distribute? For some mailers, Priority Mail Drop Shipping is a well kept secret that they are not aware of, and as a result they are missing out on some great opportunities to improve delivery and reduce costs.
Choosing the Right Shipping Label for Your Needs

In times passed there was no such thing as a shipping label. When you wanted to ship something out it was wrapped in brown paper, either in a box or not, and on the paper you wrote who it was going to and where they lived. Many times it only included the person's name and the last town they were known to live in.
Guidelines to Procure High Quality Shipping Labels

A shipping label essentially refers to a label that is attached to a shipping container and contains information such as the contents, destination and handling instructions of the shipping container. Shipping labels are most commonly used by logistics companies, shipping companies, manufacturers, and suppliers that need to regularly send consignments from one destination to another.
Printing Postage Online Requirements

Printing postage online is the way of the future for many businesses and now may be the time for you to make this transition and make your life much easier. Printing postage has never been more affordable and convenient for even the smallest business. The days when only the largest most prestigious businesses printed postage are over and now this can be a very affordable option for anyone.
Let the Post Office Come to You - Print Postage Online

Are you tired of having to run out to the post office for postages? Then you will be glad to know that you can go on the Internet and print the postage you need anytime. Thanks to a couple of useful website like the US Postal Service you can do all that you need to get your mail out from home. Just weigh it and put your cost for mailing on it all from your computer.
How to Print Postage Online and No More Standing in Line at the Post Office

Instead of going out of your way and heading to the post office and wait in line, it is more convenient to get postage that works like a stamp through the Internet. Where can you avail of these?
Print Postage Online and Ship eBay Orders from Home

Shipping packages is a daily task for eBay sellers. It may not be the most exciting part of the business, but shipping is the final step in the selling process. Many sellers use various on-line postage printing services to print labels and save time and eliminate the hassle of going to the post office. If you can navigate eBay and PayPal, you can easily prepare your packages at home and have your mail carrier pick them up on a daily basis.
The Various Benefits of Shipping Software

Many carriers and ship operators have to deal with problems like huge bunker costs, labor costs, huge charter costs, poor tracking system and costly communication between the vessels. If such problems are not efficiently addressed, shipping operations are likely to encounter huge losses.
Top Reasons All eBay Sellers Should Offer International Shipping

If you are an eBay seller and are not offering your products to international customers, you are missing a huge part of the eBay buying market.
Common Misconception about Mail Delivery Confirmation and Mail Tracking

When it comes to US Postal tracking, some customers seem to have a common misconception about mail delivery confirmation and mail tracking. They come to the post office saying that they aren't able to track their mail from the office of mailing and during transit; all they can find out is the date and time of delivery. Worst scenario is when a customer complains about not able to track their parcel when they post it priority. In this article we are going to detail a brief distinction between the two.
USPS Express Mail for Overnight Guarantee - Features of Mail Service

t would be difficult to argue that sending your time-sensitive letters, documents, or merchandise via USPS Express Mail is the best value there is for your money. It is the Postal Service's fastest service with overnight guarantee delivery to most cities or your money back. In addition tracking mail and insurance of $100.00 are included in the prices which are inexpensive compared to FedEx or UPS.
USPS Software Ship Options for Your Business

More and more businesses are shipping goods than ever before. As the internet grows there are massive amounts of small enterprises opening daily and the national shippers are fighting for their business. A lot has changed over the last few years. DHL who came across the seas from Europe after buying Airborne Express recently decided they could no longer make a run of it here for domestic shipping of packages and has pulled out of the market. In this article, the best of the remaining options for shipping domestic packages will be discussed.
How to Track Your Priority Mail

Priority Mail is one of the services offered by the United States Postal Service or USPS that can be sent worldwide. However, not all packages and letters can be classified as under priority mail.
USPS Priority Mail Can Save You Money in Five Ways

USPS Priority Mail can save your business money. Here are some areas to consider when you are choosing your shipper.
USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope Vs Overnight Services

Do you use FedEx or UPS for overnight or a 2 day shipping services? You should know that there are four advantages to using The Post Office for your priority shipping needs.
What Are the Best Ways to Use USPS Priority Mail

For exact measurements of all the flat rate boxes available visit the USPS website for information about USPS priority mail flat rate boxes. There are three different rates and sizes, small medium and large, medium has two different shapes and so there are a total of four different boxes. The very first criterion is if your product fits into the box.
How to do USPS Tracking

The USPS or the United States Postal Service is an independent government agency provided by the American government to provide all communities with postal services which are prompt, reliable, and efficient. Another purpose that this agency is created is to provide universal postal service at very affordable prices.
USPS Express Mail International

The United States Postal Services is proud to provide International Express Mailing services. With the USPS Express Mail International, you are ensured of a fast delivery of mail and packages to over 190 countries in the world. Aside from collecting very affordable mailing fees, USPS guarantees you with their quality service.
E-Commerce Shipping Best Practices

Every Ecommerce site should read this because many sites fail to answer basic questions such as "how long will it take?" or "how much will it cost?", many sales are lost at this important juncture. Some research shows that shipping concerns top the list of reasons why people abandon shopping carts.
USPS Priority International And Domestic Flat Rate Boxes Size

One of the USPS's advertising methodologies to compete with civilian package shippers is the use of flat rate boxes. They even came up with a awesome tv promotion - If it fits it ships for both domestic and international priority mails.
Rules and Regulations for International Shipping

The USA becomes more of a melting pot each year and this means that more residents are sending and receiving packages from all over the country. Every country has rules and regulations for international shipping.
How to Increase your USA eBay Business Internationally

It is a very large world out there with well over 193 recognized countries. If you add all the dozens of colonies and territories controlled by other countries that number rapidly grows to well over 200 countries in the world.
Benefits of USPS International Priority Airmail for e-Retailers

How does USPS International Priority Airmail impact e-Retailers? Many eBay and Amazon third party sellers have mentioned that their International orders have taken a sharp decline during the course of this year. The main reason behind this fall is the doubling of the postage rate that occurred in January that makes their products less competitive in the global market place.
How to Choose the Right Shipping Method for e-Commerce Fulfillment
Fast and dependable fulfillment is critical to the success of your online business. Your top priorities are getting your orders to your customers quickly and accurately, but at the same time choose a cost-effective shipping method.
What are the USPS Mailbox Requirements

The USPS has specific requirements for all residential mail boxes. The United States Postal Service Domestic Mail manual sets rules and regulations concerning residential curbside mailboxes.
How USPS Priority Mail Rates Work

Priority Mail Flat Rate is a couple (Maximum 3 days) of days shipping service provided by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) that features one flat rate for delivery of a package to its destination. USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes can be a shipping wonder to your organization. Anything you can fit into one the USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Boxes will ship to anyplace in the nation for one flat rate.